Sunday, January 25, 2015

Most Used (Common) Passwords

Hi! Its sound very bad that people feels very lazy to keep a strong password for their PC, Email, social website/application access account etc. To save few seconds of login time they use a very common password, and cause this their passwords are leaked quit often. Here is the top 25 worst password of 2014 as per SplashData
(SplashData has been a leading provider of security applications and services for over 10 years) :-
1. 123456 (No Change from 2013)
2. password (No Change from 2013)
3. 12345 (Up 17 from 2013)
4. 12345678 (Down 1 from 2013)
5. qwerty (Down 1 from 2013)
6. 123456789 (No Change from 2013)
7. 1234 (Up 9 from 2013)
8. baseball (New in 2014)
9. dragon (New in 2014)
10. football (New in 2014)
11. 1234567 (Down 4 from 2013)
12. monkey (Up 5 from 2013)
13. letmein (Up 1 from 2013)
14. abc123 (Down 9 from 2013)
15. 111111 (Down 8 from 2013)
16. mustang (New in 2014)
17. access (New in 2014)
18. shadow (Unchanged from 2013)
19. master (New in 2014)
20. michael (New in 2014)
21. superman (New in 2014)
22. 696969 (New in 2014)
23. 123123 (Down 12 from 2013)
24. batman (New in 2014)
25. trustno1 (Down 1 from 2013)
Pradeep Kumawat
System Admin